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14 Benefits of Side Plank Pose: Achieve Posture Perfection

    Side Plank Pose or Vasisthasana in Sanskrit, is an excellent yoga posture that helps to strengthen and tone the core, arms, and legs. It also improves balance and coordination while stretching out the back of the body.

    This pose can be done as a stand-alone exercise or incorporated into a larger yoga practice.

    Although it may seem intimidating at first, This asana is actually quite simple once you learn how to do it properly. With consistent practice, you’ll soon be able to master this powerful pose with ease.

    In this article, we will explore all of these amazing benefits of Side Plank pose as well as step-by-step on how to perform it in more detail.

    Physical Benefits of Side Plank Pose

    1. Strengthens the core and abdominal muscles

    Side Plank Pose is a powerful and effective yoga exercise that is focused on strengthening the core and abdominal muscles.

    When performed properly, this posture engages both the transverse abdominis (TVA) and obliques, which are important for stabilizing the trunk.

    Additionally, it strengthens and tones the arms, shoulders, back muscles and glutes. This makes Side Plank pose a great exercise for those who want to achieve posture perfection.

    2. Improves balance and posture

    One of the major benefits of Side Plank pose is it can help to improve balance and posture.

    It helps to open up the chest, shoulders and spine which are important for proper posture.

    Additionally, this exercise works on building strength in the legs and hips, enabling us to better maintain balance.

    After regular practice, you will find that your posture and balance significantly improve.

    3. Improves digestion

    By engaging the abdominal muscles, Side Plank Pose can help to improve digestion.

    This exercise helps to stimulate the digestive system, aiding in regular bowel movements and eliminating toxins from the body.

    Additionally, this posture works on opening up the chest and shoulders which can improve circulation in the torso and support healthy digestion.

    4. Reduces back pain

    One of the key benefits of Side Plank pose is that it helps to reduce back pain.

    This exercise strengthens the spine and engages the abdominal muscles, which can help to alleviate stress on the lower back.

    Additionally, this exercise works to open up the chest and shoulders which can help relieve tension in the upper body.

    With regular practice, you will find that your back pain begins to dissipate.

    5. Increases flexibility in the shoulders, chest, spine, and obliques

    Side Plank Pose is excellent for increasing flexibility in the shoulders, chest, spine and obliques.

    This posture works to open up these areas of the body which can help improve the range of motion.

    Additionally, it helps to strengthen the arms, shoulders and back muscles, enabling them to be more flexible and move with ease.

    With regular practice, you will find that your muscles have greater flexibility and mobility.

    6. Improves circulation throughout the body

    Side Plank pose is also great for improving circulation throughout the body.

    This exercise helps to engage the abdominal muscles, which can aid in improved blood flow and oxygenation of the organs and tissues.

    Additionally, this posture opens up the chest and shoulders, enabling a better flow of energy throughout these parts of the body.

    Mental Benefits of Side Plank Pose

    1. Enhances concentration, focus, and clarity of the mind

    The deep focus required while practicing Side Plank pose can help to enhance concentration, focus and clarity of the mind.

    This posture works on increasing core strength and stability, which in turn helps to improve mental clarity and focus.

    Additionally, this exercise helps to stimulate prana or energy flow throughout the body, enabling a greater balance between the mind and body.

    2. Relieves stress and anxiety

    The deep breathing required while practicing Side Plank pose can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

    It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for calming the body.

    Additionally, it also helps to open up the chest and heart chakra, allowing for greater relaxation and peace of mind.

    With regular practice, it can help reduce stress levels in both our mind and body.

    3. Improves intuition by better attuning us to body signals

    One of the surprising benefits of Side Plank pose is it can help to better attune us to body signals thereby increasing our intuition.

    This exercise works on strengthening balance in the body and mind, enabling us to pick up on subtle energy shifts within ourselves.

    With regular practice, you will find that your body’s intuitive signals become more clear and more precise.

    4. Develops willpower and discipline through sustained effort

    Side Plank Pose helps to develop willpower and discipline through sustained effort.

    This posture requires a great deal of focus and concentration in order to maintain the proper alignment for extended periods of time.

    With regular practice, you will find that your body’s endurance and fortitude increase as your ability to stay disciplined and focused during challenging times improve.

    5. Improves self-confidence and self-esteem

    One of the key benefits of Side Plank pose is it can help to improve self-confidence and self-esteem.

    This posture requires the practitioners to engage their core muscles while balancing on one arm, so it can be quite challenging.

    With regular practice, you will find that your body becomes stronger and more balanced allowing for greater self-confidence and self-esteem as a result.

    Additionally, this pose helps to open up the chest and heart chakra, enabling feelings of love and acceptance for yourself.

    6. Enhances self-awareness allowing us to reflect on our actions and decisions

    The intense focus required while practicing Side Plank pose can help to enhance self-awareness.

    This posture helps to open up the chest and lungs, enabling us to take deeper breaths.

    With deeper breathing comes greater clarity as we can more easily tap into our emotional and mental states.

    Additionally, this exercise provides an opportunity for self-reflection as you focus on your body’s sensations, allowing you to have a better understanding of yourself.

    With regular practice, you will find that your self-awareness increases enabling you to make better choices in life.

    7. Enhances sleep quality due to the calming effects on the body and mind

    The calming effects of Side Plank pose can help to enhance sleep quality. This posture helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for calming the body.

    Additionally, it also allows for a better flow of energy throughout these parts of the body, allowing your body and mind to relax and find inner peace.

    With regular practice, you can rest assured that a good night’s sleep awaits you.

    8. Improves overall well-being and quality of life.

    Regular practice of Side Plank pose can help to improve overall well-being and quality of life.

    This posture works on strengthening the body and mind, enabling us to perform better in all areas of our lives.

    Additionally, it also helps to open up the chest and lungs, allowing for better breathing which can lead to greater energy and vitality throughout the day.

    With regular practice, you will find that your mental clarity improves while stress levels diminish, allowing for a better quality of life.

    How to Perform Side Plank Pose (Step-by-Step)

    How to Do a Side Plank Pose | Yoga

    Step 1:

    Begin by sitting on your right side with your legs extended outwards and both palms flat on the floor.

    Step 2:

    Engage the abdominal muscles as you press into your right palm to lift your torso up off the ground.

    Step 3:

    Reach your left arm towards the sky to help stabilize your body. Make sure to keep the hips and shoulders aligned with each other.

    Step 4:

    Draw your shoulder blades towards the spine to prevent slouching in this posture.

    Step 5:

    Hold this position for as long as you can while focusing on deep, steady breaths.

    Step 6:

    To come out of the pose, slowly lower yourself down onto the ground.

    Step 7:

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    Tips for Perfecting Your Posture in Side Plank Pose

    Tip #1:

    Make sure to engage your abdominal muscles throughout the posture.

    Tip #2:

    Keep your hips and shoulders aligned with each other while maintaining a straight line in your body.

    Tip #3:

    Draw your shoulder blades towards the spine to prevent slouching.

    Tip #4:

    Focus on deep, steady breaths to help you relax into the posture.

    Tip #5:

    If you are new to this pose, try practicing with your knees bent for a modified version.

    Tip #6:

    Only hold the pose for as long as is comfortable for you and make sure to come out of the pose slowly when finished.

    Is the Side Plank Safe for Everyone?

    Side Plank pose is generally safe for most people when performed correctly.

    However, as with any exercise or yoga posture, it is important to listen to your body and take it slow if needed.

    This posture may not be suitable for those who suffer from a wrist injury or are pregnant.

    It is always recommended to speak with your doctor before starting any new exercise or yoga routine.

    Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Side Plank Pose

    Side Plank pose is a great posture to add to your yoga practice due to its many benefits.

    It helps to strengthen the core and improve balance while also working on stimulating prana or energy flow throughout the body.

    Additionally, this posture can help to enhance sleep quality as well as overall well-being and quality of life.

    Just remember to take it slow and, if needed, consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise or yoga routine.

    With regular practice, you will be able to reap the many benefits of Side Plank Pose.

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