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10 Benefits of Frog Pose (Mandukasana) – Say Goodbye to Lower Back Pain

    Frog pose or Mandukasana, is a powerful yoga asana that can help to stretch and open up the hips, thighs, and groin.

    The benefits of Frog Pose include; improve posture, alleviate lower back pain and tension, enhance flexibility in the legs and hips, and build strength throughout the body.

    With proper technique, this posture can be incredibly therapeutic for both your physical health as well as mental well-being.

    In this article, we will discuss how to properly do this posture so you can get the maximum benefit from it.

    We’ll also discuss some of the mental benefits of this practice so you understand why it should be included in your regular routine.

    Physical Benefits of Frog Pose

    1. Improved posture

    Frog Pose helps to stretch, open, and release the hip flexors, a group of muscles that are responsible for maintaining good posture.

    It can also help in strengthening the muscles of your abdomen and back which further promotes healthy posture.

    2. Alleviation of lower back pain and tension

    One of the key benefits of Frog pose is it can helps alleviate lower back pain and tension.

    Because it stretches the hip flexors and opens up the hips, it can help to reduce any tightness in those areas that may be contributing to your back pain.

    This asana also helps to strengthen the core muscles, which are important for maintaining good posture and overall spinal stability.

    3. Enhanced flexibility in the legs and hips

    Frog Pose is an excellent way to increase flexibility in the legs and hips.

    It helps to stretch the muscles of your inner thighs, as well as the hip flexors, which gives you a greater range of motion when performing other yoga postures.

    With regular practice, it will help to open up those areas even more and make it easier for you to move more deeply into other posture.

    4. Improved circulation throughout the body

    One of the great benefits of Frog pose is it helps stimulate the circulatory system and improve blood flow throughout the body.

    By increasing circulation in the area, it can help to reduce inflammation, improve joint mobility, and increase overall energy levels.

    5. Release of physical stress stored in the hips and lower back

    Frog Pose helps to release any physical stress that may have been stored in the hips and lower back.

    Because it stretches and opens up the hips, thighs, and groin, it can help to reduce any built-up tension in those areas.

    It can also help to increase your awareness of potential areas of tightness or stress, so you can identify and address them before they become problematic.

    6. Stimulation of internal organs for better functioning

    Another benefit of Frog pose is it helps to stimulate the internal organs and improve their functioning.

    This is due to its ability to increase circulation in the area and help with digestion.

    It also helps to massage the digestive organs, allowing them to work more efficiently and absorb nutrients better.

    7. Increase strength throughout the body

    Frog pose helps to build strength throughout the body.

    Because it stretches and opens up the hips and lower body, it can help to increase muscular stamina in those areas.

    It can also help to strengthen the core muscles, which are important for maintaining good posture and overall spinal stability.

    Mental Benefits of Frog Pose

    1. Improved focus and concentration

    One of the key benefits of Frog pose is it can help to improve focus and concentration.

    By engaging the core and focusing on your breath, it helps to calm the mind and enhance mental clarity.

    It also encourages you to be present at the moment, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

    2. Increased relaxation and peace of mind

    Frog Pose helps to relax the body and create a sense of peace and calm.

    By focusing on your breath, it can help to deepen your connection with yourself and increase feelings of well-being.

    It also encourages mindfulness, which can help you become more aware of any negative thoughts or emotions that may be present in your mind.

    3. Heightened body awareness

    Regular practice of Frog pose helps to increase body awareness, which can be beneficial for both physical and mental health.

    It helps increase your understanding of how your body works and feels.

    It can help you become more in tune with yourself and better able to address any areas that may need attention. This can also help to reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

    How to Perform Frog Pose (Step-By-Step)

    Stretch Intensive | Frog Pose

    Step #1:

    Start in Tabletop Pose. Come onto your hands and knees, with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.

    Make sure that your back is neutral, with your spine in a straight line.

    Step #2:

    Lower down onto forearms. Place both of your elbows on the ground about shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing the ground.

    Step #3:

    Spread your knees as wide as you can. Take a deep breath in and then, on an exhale, lower your chest down to the mat between your arms.

    Make sure to keep your forearms flat against the floor and your toes pointed upwards. You should feel a gentle stretch in your hips.

    Step #4:

    Hold it for 5-10 breaths, focusing on lengthening your spine and relaxing into the pose.

    Step #5:

    Release from the posture. On an inhale, slowly come up to Tabletop Pose and then return to a seated position.

    Tips on how to maximize your experience with this asana

    Tip #1: Keep your chest lifted

    Make sure that your chest stays open and lifted throughout the practice to maximize your experience with it.

    Tip #2: Move slowly and mindfully.

    Don’t rush through the movements; instead, take your time and move slowly and mindfully into each position. This will help you to get the most out of the pose and feel the benefits.

    Tip #3: Stay focused on your breath.

    Keeping your attention on your breathing will help you to stay present and keep your mind from wandering. This will also help you to move more deeply into the posture and find its full potential.


    Frog Pose is an important asana to include in your practice.

    It helps to stretch, open up, and strengthen the hips, thighs, and groin, increase circulation throughout the body, stimulate internal organs for better functioning, and release physical stress stored in the lower back.

    Make sure to practice slowly and mindfully; focus on your breath and keep your chest lifted throughout the practice to maximize its benefits.

    With regular practice, it will help to improve posture, alleviate lower back pain and tension, enhance flexibility in the legs and hips, and build strength throughout the body.

    Happy Frog Posing!

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